Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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;**** BACKSTAB.LIBRARY V1.0 ****
;**** By Sami Vaarala ****
err_audio: equ -1 ;error message definitions (-1 .. -128)
err_cache: equ -2
;Library call offsets:
;TakeOverSystem -30 \
;ReturnToSystem -36 \ these 4 form the method I
;ActivateSystem -42 /
;DeactivateSystem -48 /
;FullTakeOver -54 \ these 2 form the method II
;DoReset -60 /
;FlushCaches -66
;If there is a need for any special routines, add them here. Especially
;if Exec needs patching for a routine, the routine can be included here
;in full.
call: macro
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
go: macro
jmp _LVO\1(a6)
incdir B:text/howtocode/source/include/ ;new includes from
include graphics_lib.i ;howtocode 7
include intuition_lib.i
incdir p:oinc/
include exec/exec_lib.i
include exec/execbase.i
include exec/exec.i
include exec/types.i
include exec/initializers.i
include exec/libraries.i
include exec/lists.i
include exec/alerts.i
include exec/resident.i
include exec/ports.i
include libraries/dos.i
;include graphics/graphics_lib.i
include graphics/gfxbase.i
include libraries/dos_lib.i
;include intuition/intuition_lib.i
include intuition/intuitionbase.i
include workbench/workbench.i
;All the includes from the "include:" are <KS2.0 (1.2/1.3) includes,
;and so I've 'updated' some of the libraries from HowToCode7.
;Ofcourse if you have better versions of the includes, use them!
;**** sprite resolutions, taken from OS3.0 includes "include/graphics/view.i"
;**** other include from "include/graphics/videocontrol.i"
;**** from "include/utility/tagitem.i"
TAG_DONE equ 0 ; terminates array of TagItems. ti_Data unused
_LVOCacheClearU: equ -636 ;from new Exec includes
_LVOCacheControl: equ -648 ;
GFXB_AA_ALICE: equ 2 ;from HowToCode
gb_ChipRevBits0: equ $ec ;
VERSION: equ 1 ;version number (0...255)
REVISION: equ 0 ;revision number (0...255)
;lib base
bks_flags: rs.b 1 ;lib flags
bks_pad: rs.b 1 ;alignment
bks_syslib: rs.l 1 ;execbase
bks_seglist: rs.l 1 ;seglist-pointer
bks_size: rs.w 0 ;size of structure
bks_sizeof: equ bks_size+LIB_SIZE ;=> real size of lib base
moveq #-1,d0 ;if someone runs us...
rts ;
;Exec will seek for matchword and check if next longword pointer
;matches matchword also...
ROMTag: dc.w RTC_MATCHWORD ;uword rt_matchword
dc.l ROMTag ;aptr rt_matchtag
dc.l EndOfLib ;aptr rt_endskip = end of library
dc.b RTF_AUTOINIT ;ubyte rt_flags = auto initialized lib
dc.b VERSION ;ubyte rt_version > from EQU
dc.b NT_LIBRARY ;ubyte rt_type = use type LIBRARY
dc.b 0 ;ubyte rt_pri ???
dc.l LibName ;aptr rt_name
dc.l LibID ;aptr rt_idstring
dc.l InitStuff ;aptr rt_init ???
dc.b "$VER: backstab.library version 1.0 by Sami Vaarala in 6.12.93",0
dc.l bks_sizeof ;structure size (library base???)
dc.l Functions ;function list
dc.l LibBaseData ;information for initializing (!?)
dc.l InitRoutine ;own routine for initialization
dc.l r_open ;Open() - the basic lib functions
dc.l r_close ;Close()
dc.l r_expunge ;Expunge()
dc.l r_null ;reserved...
dc.l r_takeover ;TakeOverSystem() - run your program after this
dc.l r_return ;ReturnToSystem() - exit with this
dc.l r_activate ;ActivateSystem() - temp. activ. for loading...
dc.l r_deactivate ;DeactivateSystem() - after ActivateSystem()
dc.l r_fulltakeover ;FullTakeOver() - now able to _wreck_ CIAs!
dc.l r_reset ;DoReset() - reset the amiga
dc.l r_flushcaches ;FlushCaches() - flush all caches (if higher
;than V37)
dc.l -1 ;ENDMARK!
dc.l 0 ;end!
move.l a5,-(sp) ;store a5
move.l d0,a5 ;lib base address to a5
move.l a6,bks_syslib(a5) ;execbase to device ??!
move.l a0,bks_seglist(a5) ;seglist to device ??!
move.l #$400,d0 ;alloc 0-page copy buffer
moveq #0,d1 ;
call AllocMem ;
move.l d0,zero_copy ;
beq.s .panic ;
;Opens all required libs: DOS, Intuition and Graphics. If any of these
;fails, the library won't open!
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
lea dosn(pc),a1 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
call OpenLibrary ;
move.l d0,dos_base ;
beq.w .nod ;
lea intn(pc),a1 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
call OpenLibrary ;
move.l d0,int_base ;
beq.w .noi ;
lea gfxn(pc),a1 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
call OpenLibrary ;
move.l d0,gfx_base ;
beq.s .nog ;zero flag = 0 (D0 != 0)
move.l a5,d0 ;
;lib base is in D0 (for return value)
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore a5
rts ;
.nog: move.l int_base(pc),a1 ;Close down the libs that were opened
call CloseLibrary ;
.noi: move.l dos_base(pc),a1 ;
call CloseLibrary ;
moveq #-1,d0 ;As we can't necessarily display an
.cols: move.w #$f00,$dff180 ;alert, let's use colors instead!
move.w #$ff0,$dff180 ;
dbf d0,.cols ;
moveq #0,d0 ;zero flag = 1 (D0 = 0)
rts ;
addq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;new user, nest him. expunge is thereby
bclr #LIBB_DELEXP,bks_flags(a6);forbidden!
move.l a6,d0 ;return base address in D0!
rts ;
subq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;one user less, if not last one, exit!
bne.s r_close_notlast ;
btst #LIBB_DELEXP,bks_flags(a6);delayed expunge? no, exit!
beq.s r_close_nodelayedexpunge ;
bsr.s r_expunge ;use Expunge() as a subroutine!
moveq #0,d0 ;return zero
rts ;
move.l a5,-(sp) ;store...
move.l a6,a5 ;lib base
move.l bks_syslib(a5),a6 ;exec base
tst.w LIB_OPENCNT(a5) ;library still open? yes, use delayed
beq.s r_expunge_ok ;expunge! else go for it!
bset #LIBB_DELEXP,bks_flags(a5);
move.l a5,a6 ;
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore...
moveq #0,d0 ;return zero
rts ;
move.l zero_copy(pc),a1 ;Free 0-page buffer
move.l #$400,d0 ;
call FreeMem ;
;Closes all opened libraries and all the other OS stuff that has been
move.l dos_base(pc),a1 ;Close all opened libraries
call CloseLibrary ;
move.l int_base(pc),a1 ;
call CloseLibrary ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a1 ;
call CloseLibrary ;
move.l d2,-(sp) ;
move.l bks_seglist(a5),d2 ;SegList-pointer for returning...
move.l a5,a1 ;lib base
call Remove ;kill library from exec lists...
moveq #0,d0 ;free library: get base address to a1
move.l a5,a1 ;and size to D0.
move.w LIB_NEGSIZE(a5),d0 ;
sub.l d0,a1 ;
add.w LIB_POSSIZE(a5),d0 ;
call FreeMem ;
move.l d2,d0 ;return SegList pointer!
move.l (sp)+,d2 ;exit
move.l a5,a6 ;
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;
rts ;
moveq #0,d0 ;no problem, illegal call!?
rts ;
moveq #err_audio,d0 ;error code and return
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
rts ;
;*** actual routines starting from -30 ...
move.l d0,flags ;Store flags
move.l a6,-(sp) ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;New client! Task pointer to 'aud_task'
sub.l a1,a1 ;(*in* the audio device structure)
call FindTask ;
move.l d0,aud_task ;
move.l d0,a1 ;Set task priority as high as possible
moveq #127,d0 ;to prevent someone running with us
call SetTaskPri ;
move.l d0,old_taskpri ;
;allocate audio channels and do an illegal audio reset
bsr.w alloc_audio ;Allocate audio (or takeover illegally)
beq.s no_audio ;If fails, exit with error code
lea $dff096,a0 ;Force audio DMAs and volumes off, for
moveq #0,d0 ;extra safety.
move.w d0,$0a8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0b8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0c8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0d8-$096(a0) ;
move.w #$000f,(a0) ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Disable interrupts
call Disable ;
;prepare internal variables
clr.l old_VBR ;VBR swap value
clr.l chip_stores ;Values that will be loaded when exited
clr.l chip_stores+4 ;-> chipregs
;check if caches can be disabled (in case it is required)
btst #AFB_68020,AttnFlags+1(a6);If user is running <68020 (no caches
bne.s .check_nocache ;CPU), force NoCache flag down.
bclr #0,flags+3 ;
btst #0,flags+3 ;Check if we can disable caches in case
beq.s .nocache_ok ;'nocache' flag is set.
move.w LIB_VERSION(a6),d0 ;
cmp.w #37,d0 ;
bhs.s .nocache_ok ;
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;Alert user about the fault.
moveq #0,d0 ;
lea cache_alert(pc),a0 ;
moveq #60,d1 ;
call DisplayAlert ;
tst.l d0 ;D0 is nonzero if left was pressed
bne.s .nocache_ok ;(left means that we continue!)
moveq #err_cache,d0 ;Error code and exit
rts ;
;reset graphic chips
bsr.w reset_gfx ;Reset graphics chips to OCS state
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Fill zeropage with the current real
call SuperState ;zeropage (determined by VBR if >68010)
move.l d0,oldsysstack ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
btst #AFB_68010,AttnFlags+1(a6);
beq.s .vbr_68000 ;
movec vbr,d0 ;
.vbr_68000 ;
move.l d0,-(sp) ;
move.l oldsysstack(pc),d0 ;
call UserState ;
move.l (sp)+,a1 ;
move.l zero_copy(pc),a0 ;
move.w #[$400/4]-1,d0 ;
.fill: ;
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+ ;
dbf d0,.fill ;
;'Deactivate' and 'takeover' have a common part from hereon, use that
;for size optimization!
bra.s common_part_takeover ;
;Flags are the same as TakeOver() [still stored]
move.l a6,-(sp) ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Disable interrupts
call Disable ;
bsr.w wait_devices ;Wait devices to finish
bsr.w own_blitter ;Takeover blitter
bsr.w reset_caches ;Turn off caches if required
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Go to supervisor mode (zeropage
call SuperState ;handling requires this)
move.l d0,oldsysstack ;
bsr.w swap_zeropage_and_vbr ;Zeropage and VBR handling
btst #1,flags+3 ;If flag SUPERVISOR is set, don't go
bne.s .nouser ;back to userstate
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
move.l oldsysstack(pc),d0 ;
call UserState ;
bsr.w swap_chipregs ;Chip handling
bsr.w get_return_datas ;Get return datas abouut the system
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;error code = none
rts ;
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
moveq #err_cache,d0 ;
rts ;
move.l d2,-(sp) ;
moveq #0,d2 ;
bra.s common_activation ;
move.l d2,-(sp) ;
moveq #-1,d2 ;
;Just go on...
;This piece of code is almost similar to 'ActivateSystem' and 'Return-
;ToSystem'. The only difference is that ReturnToSystem frees audio
;channels and restores gfx. To optimize size, D2 indicates which case
;are we running, and some things are bypassed if it isn't ReturnTo-
move.l a6,-(sp) ;
move.w #$4000,$dff09a ;Disable interrupts
bsr.w swap_chipregs ;Chip handling
btst #1,flags+3 ;If SUPERVISOR flag wasn't set, we have
bne.s .was_super ;to go into supervisor.
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
call SuperState ;
move.l d0,oldsysstack ;
bsr.w swap_zeropage_and_vbr ;Swap zeropage and VBR
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Back to userstate
move.l oldsysstack(pc),d0 ;
call Userstate ;
bsr.w restore_caches ;Restore cache states
bsr.w disown_blitter ;Blitter back to system
tst.w d2 ;System view back (if ReturnToSystem)
beq.s .only_in_return1 ;
bsr.w restore_gfx ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Enable interrupts
call Enable ;
tst.w d2 ;Audio chans back (if ReturnToSystem)
beq.s .only_in_return2 ;
lea $dff096,a0 ;Illegal audio reset before giving back
moveq #0,d0 ;audio channels to system.
move.w d0,$0a8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0b8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0c8-$096(a0) ;
move.w d0,$0d8-$096(a0) ;
move.w #$000f,(a0) ;
bsr.w restore_audio ;Audio channels back
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Task priority back
move.l aud_task(pc),a1 ;
move.l old_taskpri(pc),d0 ;
call SetTaskPri ;
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
move.l (sp)+,d2 ;
rts ;
;This routine is exactly same as TakeOverSystem() at the moment, but
;in future versions this routine can kill system less legally if
;needed. This routine is here just for compatibility and expandability
;of future versions.
bra.w r_takeover ;Use same routine
;The Exec code under V39 (A1200) does NOT work properly. Proper reset
;routines ARE possible, I don't have an idea how. If someone knows of
;a _proper_ (preferable Commodore recommended) way to do this, REPORT!
;This is written as the Commodores ''supported'' reset routine is.
ROMEND: equ $01000000 ;
SIZE_OFFSET: equ -$14 ;
KICK_V36: equ 36 ;
V36_ColdReboot: equ -726 ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
cmp.w #KICK_V36,LIB_VERSION(a6);
blt.s .old_kick ;
jmp V36_ColdReboot(a6) ;Use V36 or upwards reset code
move.w #$4000,$dff09a ;(I feel safer this way, so does KS3.0)
;KS3.0 disables caches here as well, no reason to do it if <V36?
lea .Reset_Code(pc),a5 ;
jsr _LVOSupervisor(a6) ;
;never here, supervisor jumps to reset code
cnop 0,4 ;DON'T TOUCH!
lea ROMEND,a0 ;Calc entrypoint
sub.l SIZE_OFFSET(a0),a0 ;
move.l 4(a0),a0 ;
subq.l #2,a0 ;
reset ;reset peripherie
jmp (a0) ;done
;! <reset> and <jmp (a0)> in the same longword! (i.e. reset address
;bits 0 and 1 are zero)
move.l a6,-(sp) ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;KS2.04 or higher? No, alert user!
move.w LIB_VERSION(a6),d0 ;
cmp.w #37,d0 ;
blo.s .noflush ;
call CacheClearU ;Flush it!
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
rts ;No error: D0 = 0
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;
moveq #-1,d0 ;ERROR! D0 = -1
rts ;
;*** Subroutines
moveq #0,d1 ;Start from OCS
move.l 4.w,a6 ;>PROB< I don't know if one is able to
cmp.w #36,LIB_VERSION(a6) ;check chipset under 1.2/1.3, so this
blo.s .nocheck ;is for 'safety'?
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;
btst #GFXB_AA_ALICE,gb_ChipRevBits0(a6)
bne.s .aga ;
btst #1,gb_ChipRevBits0(a6) ;
beq.s .checkover ;
moveq #1,d1 ;
bra.s .checkover ;
.aga: moveq #2,d1 ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Get Kickstart version (= Exec version)
moveq #0,d2 ;
move.w LIB_VERSION(a6),d2 ;
move.w AttnFlags(a6),d0 ;Get CPU number
btst #3,d0 ;
bne.s .040 ;
btst #2,d0 ;
bne.s .030 ;
btst #1,d0 ;
bne.s .020 ;
btst #0,d0 ;
bne.s .010 ;
moveq #0,d3 ;
bra.s .CPUover ;
.010: moveq #1,d3 ;
bra.s .CPUover ;
.020: moveq #2,d3 ;
bra.s .CPUover ;
.030: moveq #3,d3 ;
bra.s .CPUover ;
.040: moveq #4,d3 ;
moveq #0,d4 ;Get math emulation types
lsr.w #4,d0 ;
and.w #%111,d0 ;
move.w d0,d4 ;
rts ;
clr.l old_cachebits ;(rerunning has to be possible)
btst #0,flags+3 ;NoCache? Yes, exit
beq.s .noreq ;
;If we are here, the CPU -has- caches and they are killable.
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
call CacheClearU ;Safety flush (surely Exec does this?)
moveq #0,d0 ;Get old cache state
moveq #0,d1 ;
call CacheControl ;
move.l d0,old_cachebits ;
move.l d0,d1 ;Clear only SET bits to avoid masking
moveq #0,d0 ;d1 with -1
call CacheControl ;
rts ;
move.l old_cachebits(pc),d0 ;
beq.s .nofix ;
;If the cache was fixed, it's possible to unfix it! [no error checks]
move.l 4.w,a6 ;Reset old cache state: set all bits
move.l old_cachebits(pc),d0 ;with identical mask!
move.l d0,d1 ;
call CacheControl ;
rts ;
;Allocates and initializes audio channels and returns zero flag set if
;the audio wasn't ok: exit the whole shit. Also illegally turns the
;audio DMA off along with volumes that are set to zero. Ofcourse only
;if channels were allocated or user agreed to takeover.
;Initialize structure for OpenDevice(), which will allocate the
;channels specifies in the channel map structure. The mask is always
;(in this code) %1111, and that is the only entry. -> All channels are
;always allocated.
clr.b audio_alloc ;Reset audio allocated flag
;Task pointer is already set into the structure!
moveq #-1,d0 ;AllocSignal for audio device
call AllocSignal ;
move.b d0,aud_signal ;
bmi.s .nosig ;
lea aud_messageport(pc),a1 ;Add msgport into system lists
call AddPort ;
tst.l d0 ;
beq.s .noport ;
;Open the device. Strangely, no IO command needs to be assigned for
;allocation (by the books). Priority 127 means that no-one can steal
;these channels no more, in effect no handling for stolen channels is
lea audn(pc),a0 ;name ("audio.device")
moveq #0,d0 ;unit (always 0)
lea aud_ioreq(pc),a1 ;ioreq
moveq #0,d1 ;flags (always 0)
call OpenDevice ;
tst.l d0 ;
bne.s .nodev ;
not.b audio_alloc ;flag: audio allocated!
rts ;zeroflag = 0
lea aud_messageport(pc),a1 ;Handle errors, display alert for user
call RemPort ;to choose whether to exit demo or
.noport: ;take over anyway
moveq #0,d0 ;
move.b aud_signal(pc),d0 ;
call FreeSignal ;
.nosig: ;
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
lea audio_alert(pc),a0 ;
moveq #60,d1 ;
call DisplayAlert ;
tst.l d0 ;If RMB pressed -> cancel -> D0=zero ->
rts ;zeroflag set. Else zeroflag=0.
tst.b audio_alloc ;If audio was allocated, get
beq.s .audio_over ;rid of it and all the system
;stuff needed for it.
move.l 4.w,a6 ;
lea aud_ioreq(pc),a1 ;
call CloseDevice ;
lea aud_messageport(pc),a1 ;
call RemPort ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
move.b aud_signal(pc),d0 ;
call FreeSignal ;
rts ;
;Somekind of device wait would be ideal here. Anyone know how to wait
;for all devices to finish?
rts ;
;Flushes all graphics hardware to basic state (according to system).
;If V39 or higher, forces sprites back to 140ns resolution. No return
sub.l a1,a1 ;
call FindTask ;
move.l d0,a1 ;
clr.l wbscreen ;If someone runs us again...
move.l 4.w,a6 ;The sprite fix only if KS 3.0 (V39)
move.w LIB_VERSION(a6),d0 ;or higher.
cmp.w #39,d0 ;
blo.w .exit ;
move.l #VTAG_SPRITERESN_GET,taglist;must work even if many calls...
move.l #SPRITERESN_ECS,res ;
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;Store old resolution
lea wbn(pc),a0 ;
call LockPubScreen ;
move.l d0,wbscreen ;
beq.s .exit ;
move.l d0,a0 ;
move.l sc_ViewPort+vp_ColorMap(a0),a0;
lea taglist(pc),a1 ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;
call VideoControl ;
move.l res,oldres ;
move.l #VTAG_SPRITERESN_SET,taglist;Reset sprites to 140ns resolution
move.l #SPRITERESN_140NS,res ;
move.l wbscreen(pc),a0 ;
move.l sc_ViewPort+vp_ColorMap(a0),a0;
lea taglist(pc),a1 ;
call VideoControl ;
move.l wbscreen(pc),a0 ;Make system actually do the change
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;reality
call MakeScreen ;
call RethinkDisplay ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;Wait for the change...
call WaitTOF ;
call WaitTOF ;
;Sprites are now 140ns!
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;Store system view and reset the
move.l gb_ActiView(a6),sysview ;graphics hardware to the original
sub.l a1,a1 ;state: AGA is flushed. The bug in the
call LoadView ;LoadView(NULL) leaves AGA sprites un-
call WaitTOF ;fixed, but that was handled before.
go WaitTOF ;(wait twice for interlace)
move.l wbscreen(pc),d0 ;Reset sprites to original rez,
beq.s .exit ;if WBscreen not available do
move.l d0,a0 ;nothing
;If < V39, the wbscreen will be zero, so exit is ok!
;VTAG command has to be set to 'SET' now, as we exited TakeOver with
;that value...
move.l oldres(pc),res ;
lea taglist(pc),a1 ;
move.l sc_ViewPort+vp_ColorMap(a0),a0 ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;
call VideoControl ;
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;Make system believe the truth.
move.l wbscreen(pc),a0 ;
call MakeScreen ;(ReThinkDisplay() done later on)
move.l wbscreen(pc),a1 ;
sub.l a0,a0 ;(Unlock the WB screen)
call UnlockPubScreen ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;Wait for the change...
;Sprites are now in original resolution
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;Restore original view
move.l sysview(pc),a1 ;
call LoadView ;
call WaitTOF ;(if interlace)
call WaitTOF ;
move.l gb_copinit(a6),$dff080 ;Reset copper 1 address
move.l int_base(pc),a6 ;Rethink...
go ReThinkDisplay ;
;Take over blitter and wait for it to get done totally.
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;
call OwnBlitter ;*some* blit safety! Wait blitter twice
call WaitBlit ;with system routines and then with an
call WaitBlit ;own illegal waitup. No config should
btst #14,$dff002 ;go through that one unnoticed? :)
.wblit: ;
btst #14,$dff002 ;
bne.s .wblit ;
rts ;
btst #14,$dff002 ;Wait and disown blitter
.wblit: ;(some safety here also...)
btst #14,$dff002 ;
bne.s .wblit ;
move.l gfx_base(pc),a6 ;
call WaitBlit ;
call WaitBlit ;
call DisownBlitter ;
rts ;
;Requires SUPERVISOR mode!
move.l zero_copy(pc),a0 ;Swap stored zeropage with the
sub.l a1,a1 ;real zeropage (physical,
move.w #$400/4-1,d0 ;starting from $0)
.swap: ;
move.l (a0),d1 ;
move.l (a1),(a0)+ ;
move.l d1,(a1)+ ;
dbf d0,.swap ;
move.l 4.w,a6 ;If >68010, swap stored and
btst #AFB_68010,AttnFlags+1(a6) ;real VBR (the runned program's
beq.s .vbr_68000 ;VBR is always zero, though)
move.l old_vbr(pc),d0 ;
movec vbr,d1 ;
move.l d1,old_vbr ;
movec d0,vbr ;
.vbr_68000: ;
rts ;
;Wait for disk DMA to finish and swap the 4 important chipregs
lea $dff096,a0 ;Custom base
btst #14,$01a-$096(a0) ;Wait disk DMA for maximum
beq.s .nodiskdma ;certainty!
.diskdma: ;
btst #1,$01e+1-$096(a0) ;DO NOT clear the bit, system
beq.s .diskdma ;may be expecting it...
move.w $002-$096(a0),d1 ;
move.w old_dmacon(pc),d0 ;
bset #15,d0 ;
and.w #%1000011111111111,d0 ;
move.w d0,(a0) ;
not.w d0 ;
and.w #%1000011111111111,d0 ;
move.w d0,(a0) ;
move.w d1,old_dmacon ;
move.w $01c-$096(a0),d1 ;
move.w old_intena(pc),d0 ;(master is disabled!)
bset #15,d0 ;
move.w d0,$09a-$096(a0) ;
not.w d0 ;
move.w d0,$09a-$096(a0) ;
move.w d1,old_intena ;
move.w $01e-$096(a0),d1 ;
move.w old_intreq(pc),d0 ;
bset #15,d0 ;
move.w d0,$09c-$096(a0) ;
not.w d0 ;
move.w d0,$09c-$096(a0) ;
move.w d1,old_intreq ;
move.w $010-$096(a0),d1 ;
move.w old_adkcon(pc),d0 ;
bset #15,d0 ;
move.w d0,$09e-$096(a0) ;
not.w d0 ;
move.w d0,$09e-$096(a0) ;
move.w d1,old_adkcon ;
rts ;
aud_ioreq: dc.l 0 ;succ \
dc.l 0 ;pred \
dc.b 5 ;type = message node structure
dc.b 127 ;pri / (in message struct)
dc.l 0 ;name /
aud_msgport: dc.l aud_messageport ;message port \ actual message
dc.w 0 ;byte nbr of message / structure
dc.l 0 ;device
dc.l 0 ;unit
aud_cmd: dc.w 0 ;command
aud_flags: dc.b 0 ;flags
aud_error: dc.b 0 ;error
;here begins the audio request extra datas
aud_allockey: dc.w 0 ;allocation key (dev fills up)
aud_data: dc.l channel_map ;data pointer
aud_len: dc.l 1 ;size data field
aud_per: dc.w 0 ;frequency
aud_vol: dc.w 0 ;volume
ayd_cycles: dc.w 0 ;cycles
;this is the WriteMsg structure trailing the real IO req.
;device will fill this space up, so only 14 zeros is ok.
blk.b mn_size,0 ;device will fill this up (14 bytes)
aud_messageport:dc.l 0 ;succ
dc.l 0 ;pred
dc.b 4 ;type = messageport
dc.b 0 ;pri
dc.l 0 ;name
dc.b 0 ;flags
aud_signal: dc.b 0 ;signal bit
aud_task: dc.l 0 ;task
dc.l 0 ;head
dc.l 0 ;tail
dc.l 0 ;tailpred
dc.b 0 ;type
dc.b 0 ;pad
oldres: dc.l 0 ;Old sprite resolution
wbscreen: dc.l 0 ;WB screen
taglist: dc.l 0 ;VTAG command (set resn/get resn)
res: dc.l 0 ;resolution
tagdone: dc.l TAG_DONE,0 ;
flags: dc.l 0 ;Takeover input flags
dos_base: dc.l 0 ;dos base
gfx_base: dc.l 0 ;graphics base
int_base: dc.l 0 ;intuition base
zero_copy: dc.l 0 ;zeropage copy address
old_VBR: dc.l 0 ;old VBR
old_taskpri: dc.l 0 ;old task priority
sysview: dc.l 0 ;system view address
oldsysstack: dc.l 0 ;old stack pointer:superstate/userstate
old_cachebits: dc.l 0 ;old cache control bits
old_dmacon: dc.w 0 ;chipreg storages...
old_intena: dc.w 0 ;
old_intreq: dc.w 0 ;
old_adkcon: dc.w 0 ;
audio_alloc: dc.b 0 ;Flag: audio was allocated succesfully
channel_map: dc.b %1111 ;all 4 channels or nothing (alloc map)
dosn: dc.b 'dos.library',0
gfxn: dc.b 'graphics.library',0
intn: dc.b 'intuition.library',0
wbn: dc.b 'Workbench',0
audn: dc.b 'audio.device',0
t: macro
;\1 X coord (+12 will be added)
;\2 Y coord (+12 will be added)
;\3 string
;\4 0 / -1 (end, continue)
dc.b [\1+12]/$100,[\1+12]&$FF,\2+12,\3,0,\4
t 9*8+4,0,'BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to allocate audio channels.',-1
t 9*8+4+1,0,'BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to allocate audio channels.',-1
t 25*8+4,10,'Take over channels anyway?',-1
t 10*8,30,'Left mousebutton',-1
t 50*8,30,'Right mousebutton',-1
t 16*8+4,40,'YES',-1
t 57*8+4,40,'NO',0
t 14*8,0,'BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to disable caches',-1
t 15*8+1,0,'BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to disable caches.',-1
t 33*8,10,'Run anyway?',-1
t 10*8,30,'Left mousebutton',-1
t 50*8,30,'Right mousebutton',-1
t 16*8+4,40,'YES',-1
t 57*8+4,40,'NO',0
;77 chars / line, top left = (12,12)
;+1/2 BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to allocate audio channels.
;+1/2 Take over channels anyway?
; Left mousebutton Right mousebutton
;+1/2 YES +1/2 NO
; BACKSTAB LIBRARY ALERT: Unable to disable caches.
; Run anyway?
; Left mousebutton Right mousebutton
;+1/2 YES +1/2 NO
LibName: dc.b 'backstab.library',0
LibID: dc.b 'backstab.library 1.0',13,10,0